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Eurobest 2021 — Film

StuBru — Missed you stranger

We know that the pandemic lockdowns have made us miss the people we already know, but have we considered that we have missed the people we don’t know?

Belgium youth radio station StuBru launched ‘Missed You Stranger’ – a campaign celebrating the re-opening of the much loved and sorely missed Belgium festival scene – which recognizes the hardship the ban of social interaction has caused the StuBru listeners.

Eurobest categories:

  • G04 Social Behaviour
  • A04 Media/Entertainment

“Movie 01 — Kiss”

“Movie 02 — Toilet”

“Next project”

Unicef — Finish your homework

During the COVID pandemic, schools across the globe were closed down immediately, exposing more than 897 million children to lifethreatening issues like domestic violence, child labour and crime. The EU and UNICEF launched a joint appeal to policy makers everywhere urging them to keep schools for young children open as long as possible.

To convey the possible consequences of their decision in an emotional way, we created a frighteningly realistic film based on real-life testimonials from children in different parts of the world.

To denounce the fact that governments often turn to quick fixes, even for complex issues like this one, we told the story of these children in the form of a ‘5 step video tutorial’ common to frivolous news sites and blogs. The film was spread across all continents with the help of a global PR plan. Within a week, the video reached more than 15 million views.

Eurobest categories:

  • B06 Not-for-profit/Charity/Government

“Next project”

Canvas — Through the Eyes of

Through the Eyes of’ is an 8-episode video series in which we enable viewers to watch Canvas through the eyes of Belgians of foreign descent, exposing subtle forms of discrimination that often go unnoticed by those not directly affected by it. The topics that were discussed ranged from the way people of colour are portrayed, ignored in history, stigmatised for the sake of comedy and generalised about in political debates.

Eurobest categories:

  • E04 Series: fiction & non-fiction
  • G07 Corporate purpose & social responsibility


“Episode 01”

“Episode 02”

“Episode 03”